On this page you can relive a few of our past events.
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Coding Camp – Summer ’23
Steam Pathways introduced a new Summer coding camp at the Tektronics Steam Pathways Center this August. This camp was led by one of our past participants, who’s now a Computer Science student in one of our local high schools. Thank you, Bennett Ptak, for building the curriculum and teaching the students programming basics using the…
Recap: STEAM Pathways DRONES & PIZZA NIGHT: Zoom Recording [Video]
Thank you to everyone who joined us for BESThq’s STEAM Pathways DRONES & PIZZA NIGHT last night! Everyone had a lot of fun having foot races with Ron’s and Luis’ drones across the parking lot, devouring amazing pizza from Bethany Public House (https://bethanypublichouse.com/ ), along with a quick overview from Luis about how drones work and…